For the fifth consecutive time, goetzpartners has been awarded the consulting prize sponsored by the business magazine WirtschaftsWoche
Integration and mobility: goetzpartners wins two first-place honors in the Best of Consulting Award competition

Press release
Munich, 11/21/2018 – goetzpartners, the advisory firm for strategy, M&A and transformation, has won two first-place honors in the highly respected “Best of Consulting” Award competition sponsored by the business magazine WirtschaftsWoche. The international advisory firm has won first place in the Public Sector and Sustainability category and in the Special Award Pro Bono category. This marks the fifth consecutive time that goetzpartners has received the prestigious consulting prize.
Mobility of the future
In the Public Sector category, goetzpartners won first place for a far-reaching strategy project with Rheinbahn AG, the public transportation operator in the Düsseldorf metropolitan area. goetzpartners worked with a dedicated team of Rheinbahn employees to develop a strategy of the future that is designed to respond to the rising number of commuters and the new mobility needs of customers. The result is a three-stage strategy that begins with targeted improvements of the core business, including a reworked service concept and the improvement of digital passenger information via the Rheinbahn app. Stage two involves an expansion of travel options, in particular regarding bus lines that are in heavy demand. In the third stage, the company will develop new business models by setting up and expanding a multimodal mobility package. “In addition to identifying new growth fields, we were able with goetzpartners’ expertise to integrate the new company strategy into the organization,” says Klaus Klar, the CEO and Labor Director Rheinbahn AG. “The close working relationship in the core project team with Rheinbahn and discussions with the entire organization, customers and non-customers were a key aspect of our efforts to develop a viable strategy of the future and to add critical details to it,” said Sebastian Hager, the responsible Partner for the Industry Line Mobility at goetzpartners.
Innovative school system
goetzpartners won first place in the Special Award Pro Bono category for the successful advisory work it does for “SchlaU-Schule,” one of the leading programs in Germany for qualifying and integrating refugees children and adolescents. goetzpartners helps SchlaU institutionalize and scale its far-reaching vision and successful concept – and it has been doing so for 14 years. The essence of the advisors’ work is personal sparring, complemented by a range of consulting projects with alternating teams and an extensive network from the political and business communities. With the help of goetzpartners, SchlaU has set up a school that has won many awards and a qualification program that is highly respected across Germany. It has also evolved into a leading actor in the area of integration. Björn Schalles, the Managing Director of SchlaU, said: “The long-range, trusting collaboration with goetzpartners has played a key role in the success of SchlaU.” Armin Raffalski, the Partner who oversees the project for goetzpartners, added: “We are really happy to help SchlaU Schule and make a very small contribution to the solution of a very large social challenge. “It is also a whole lot of fun to work in the multidisciplinary team.”
Best in class
WirtschaftsWoche has been honoring outstanding consultancies with the “Best of Consulting” award every year since 2010 – for which a comprehensive consultancy check was developed: a jury and an academic advisory body examine brand strength, increases in value and project successes of the customer projects submitted by the consulting companies. Since 2014, goetzpartners has continually been in the top three for categories ranging from Restructuring to M&A and Finance and Risk Management”. The “Best of Consulting” awards ceremony for 2018 was held on November 20 at the InterContinental in Düsseldorf.
goetzpartners: Advisory for Strategy, M&A and Transformation
goetzpartners, founded in 1991, is an independent advisory firm for all key issues of entrepreneurial activity: strategy, M&A and transformation. As a trusted partner with a valuable track record and a far-reaching network, we are ideally positioned to help companies worldwide to navigate through their digital transformation challenges. With more than 350 professionals operating out of 14 offices in 11 countries, we advise decision-makers and top executives in all key industries. goetzpartners, headquartered in Germany, ranks among the 10 best-performing German advisory firms (Lünendonk®). Boasting a vast wealth of expertise in both cross-border mergers and acquisitions and management consulting, we are trusted by clients to provide excellent insights, transaction advisory services and value creation. For five years running, goetzpartners has received awards as part of the renowned “Best of Consulting” contest (“WirtschaftsWoche”).
Press contact
Anni Altkofer, Consultant | Ines Bieger, Director Marketing & PR |