Deal Announcement
goetzpartners advised Rudolf Woehrl AG in the sale to Christian Greiner

Christian Greiner is expected to be the new owner of the multi-brand fashion retailer Rudolf Woehrl AG. The creditor assemblies of Rudolf Woehrl AG and its 100% subsidiary Rudolf Woehrl, das Haus der Markenkleidung GmbH & Co. KG approved Mr. Greiner’s offer on January 31st, 2017 as the best result of a structured and competitive M&A process.
Since 2011 Mr. Greiner is director of fashion retailer Ludwig Beck in Munich, responsible for sourcing, sales and marketing, as well as CEO of fashion retailer Wormland.
The signed investment agreement between Christian Greiner and Rudolf Wöhrl AG includes the following key terms:
- Mr. Greiner will acquire 100% of the shares of Rudolf Woehrl AG
- The purchase price will enable a creditor pay-out rate of 10% to 20%, which is significantly above the German average of c. 5% (according to the German Federal Statistical Office)
- Mr. Greiner intends to continue the initiated restructuring measures
- The investor will also provide the company with sufficient liquidity to finance Woehrl’s “restart”
- 95% of all jobs will be preserved
- It is planned to retain Rudolf Woehrl AG in its current structure without additional store closures.
Andreas E. Mach (CEO) and Dr. Christian Gerloff (CRO) successfully implemented a comprehensive set of restructuring measures to stabilise the company and thus enabled a successful process. The insolvency trustee (“Sachwalter”) Volker Boehm (Schulze & Braun) supervised the insolvency proceedings and the investor process in the interest of creditors.
Next steps will be the finalisation of the insolvency plans before presenting them to the insolvency court for approval. Afterwards the creditor assemblies have to give their final approval to the insolvency plans. The economic transfer of the company to Mr. Greiner is envisaged to take place on March 1st, 2017.
About Rudolf Woehrl AG
Wöhrl, headquartered in Nuremberg, is a multi-brand fashion retailer, operating a network of 30 stores with focus on Southern Germany and a staff of c. 2,200. The company is offering its customers a broad product portfolio including fashion apparel for men, women, children, young fashion and sports with well-selected brands.
Goetzpartners Team
Dr. Jan-Hendrik Röver, Managing Director
Dr. Thomas Sittel, Partner
Lukas Gleim, Associate
Normann Fichtner, Consultant
Robert Wagon, Analyst