Is your workforce
ready for the future?
Digital transformation is taking place at an ever-unparalleled pace, connecting the world and opening new opportunities for businesses to grow and create value. Digitalization of organizations‘ workforce includes one of the many challenges ahead as part of this transformation journey. The technology-driven evolution of jobs and skills imply both increasing demand as well as severe risks of substitution for certain job families.
Fortlane Partners offers a holistic approach to not only evaluate expected workforce shifts in the future but also support the process of workforce and competence transformation towards a future-oriented state.

In the face of digitalization and technology advancements, tomorrow’s requirements in terms of employee and team competences will differ significantly from today’s.
The Fortlane Partners workforce digitalization tool forecasts the development of job profiles and their respective tasks and activities in more than 20 industries until 2030.
In addition, it provides a structure to analyze today’s competences and identify existing gaps relative to future requirements. By doing this, short- and long-term workforce gaps can easily be identified.

After having identified respective workforce gaps, Fortlane Partners derives concrete measures and a detailed action plan to close existing gaps.
Measures can result in investing in existing employees by upskilling and/ or reskilling or transferring employees in other teams or departments.
Other actionable measures can be the recruitment of new employees or the hiring of temporary experts. In addition, the reduction of redundancies or competences that are no longer needed, is carefully examined.